- 2.0.0
- 1.3.4
- 1.3.3
You can crop a layer and place the crop on the layer background where you want thanks to
the argument "$position": see the Corners / positions schema of an image.
Read the tutorial Creating thumbnails to see examples.
In pixel:
$newWidth = 120; // px $newHeight = 100; // px $positionX = 30; // left translation of 30px $positionY = 20; // top translation of 20px $position = "LT"; $layer->cropInPixel($newWidth, $newHeight, $positionX, $positionY, $position);
In percent:
$newWidth = 80; // % $newHeight = 70; // % $positionX = 5; // right translation of 5% $positionY = 3; // bottom translation of 3% $position = "RB"; $layer->cropInPercent($newWidth, $newHeight, $positionX, $positionY, $position);
Lets see it in action !
I choose to place a selector (for the crop) of 300px/150px placed at the left bottom corner of the layer background
($position = 'LB'; for 'Left Bottom'). I also choose to move the selector of 10px from the left ($positionX = 10;) and 20px from
the bottom ($positionY = 20;):
$layer->cropInPixel(300, 150, 10, 20, 'LB');
And the result:
It will result a square having the dimension of the smallest side of the layer.
In pixel:
$positionX = 0; // px, without left translation $positionY = 0; // px, without top translation $layer->cropMaximumInPixel($positionX, $positionY, "LT");
In percent:
$positionX = 0; // %, without left translation $positionY = 0; // %, without top translation $layer->cropMaximumInPercent($positionX, $positionY, "LT");
An example to understand !
I decide to crop the maximum possible of the layer. I choose to place the selection in the middle
of the layer ($position = 'MM'; for 'Middle Middle') with a shift of 30px from the left ($positionX = 30;)
and no one from the bottom ($positionY = 0;, try to change it to test !):
$layer->cropMaximumInPercent(30, 0, 'MM');
And the result:
(Consider that we don't know dimensions of the layer sides, but I wrote them to understand).